Cleaning and Polishing
In washing a car, there are some standard techniques and methods that preserve the durability of the car’s paint and bodywork.
Washing a car might not be complicated, but improper techniques will cause unsightly swirls and scratches in the paint, thereby requiring polishing at the very least. You can eliminate these problems and save yourself extra work by engaging our expertise at Millharbour Autos to provide the best conditions and washing equipments which results is in extremely satisfied and loyal customers.

Our goal towards our clients is making sure they are happy with the finished job. To achieve this, we take into consideration the type of body wash a vehicle might need and the method for washing it. We have the High-pressure washers and steam cleaners, and washing by hand methods. Both methods can be used simultaneously or individually depending on the state of the vehicle.
Some vehicles require a delicate body wash due to the surface of their paint jobs, because some contaminants quickly do serious long-term damage to paint if they are allowed to remain. Three of such compounds are bug remains, bird droppings and pollutants. These bio-hazards contain complex proteins that bond to the surface and organic acids that penetrate and break down the surface, eating into your clear coat if not removed promptly. Grease, rubber, and road-tar deposits picked up from the road often accumulate around the wheel wells and along the lower edge of the body, creating weak spots in the clear coat making your vehicle susceptible to corrosion and discoloration.
A car should be washed daily or at least weekly. You do not have to wait until the car is visibly dirty to have it washed. It isimportant to have tools that are gentle on the paint, yet effective at removing contamination. As a rule of thumb, we use sponges and mitts that are plush or have a deep nap because it has numerous deep compartments where dirt and debris can accumulate. The natural fibres themselves will not scratch the paint and they will essentially pull contamination into the sponge’s openings, away from the paint.
We always rinse your vehicle thoroughly before washing in order to remove loose debris. Then washing from the top to the bottom of the vehicle as opposed to front to back. Remember that the lower panels are dirtiest. We clean the windows and the upper panels before cleaning the lower half of the vehicle so as not to transfer grit to the top half of the vehicle.
After washing we rinse using free-flowing water (no nozzle) which allow the water to sheet off of your vehicle for a more thorough rinsing. We don’t have to blast your car clean with the water hose to achieve a perfect rinse.
Drying your vehicle after washing is essential to prevent water spots. These are caused by mineral deposits that engrave the outline of a drop of water into your vehicle’s paint. All water has minerals, whether it’s from the sky or the hose. As the water evaporates, the minerals remain on the car surface and eventually, invariably create water spots.
So, we make sure excess water is removed quickly from your vehicle’s body. We dry the windows and mirrors first with a series of careful firm strokes. Then using a large vehicle towel that absorbs seven times its own weight in moisture to wipe down the vehicles body and going back smaller towels, to catch any water the large towel may have missed. This quick two-step process will leave your vehicle bone-dry and ready for wax.
Once the outside is dry, we wipe down all your door jambs. Open the trunk and hood and wipe the jambs.

Although some people believe waxing (Polishing) damages a car’s finish, we disagree and believe it preserves the finish and proves to be a beneficial maintenance effort, particularly want to sell it or trade it in someday. The best times to wax your car include should be during the dry season, before the raining season moves in.
We apply a coat of wax to the vehicle body to help mask swirl marks and cover up most remaining surface imperfections. Then mount a soft foam pad on an orbital sander and apply an approximate 60:40 mix of paste wax and a fine finishing polish onto the pad. Use the sander at a medium speed to spread the wax onto the vehicle in a back-and-forth motion and with light but steady pressure, leaving just enough of a waxy haze to be visible when dry.
While the wax is drying, we clean the other areas of the car (windows, interior, etc.) and then remove the wax with a microfiber towel. Apply touch-up paint to chips and any lingering scratches as needed. Move the car into sunlight for a final inspection.