Auto Services

Air Condition Services

If the breeze from those open windows just isn't cutting it, our mechanics can fix any auto A/C problems so that you can drive in comfort.Read more...

Body Work & Spraying

We pride ourselves on our excellent quality customer service. Each paint job is carried out in our spray-booth for a clean, flawless finish, using state of the art equipment.Read more...

Vehicle Upholstery

We love creating interiors that meet and surpass our customers’ expectations, we know that the quality of the work is important to you.Read more...

Cleaning and Polishing

Our goal is ensuring customer satisfaction. To achieve this, we always consider the type of wash a vehicle would need.Read more...

Headers and Gaskets

An overheated vehicle due to poor maintenance of the cooling system or a cooling system restriction or failure, can accelerate gasket failure.Read more...

Auto Repair

A professional repair service increases your vehicle’s fuel mileage, protects its engine, transmission and keeps it running like new.Read more...

Full Upgrades

There is something so unoriginal about parking your vehicle next to one of its exact make, model and colour. Imagine a unique car.Read more...

Transmission Repair

The transmission is connected to key parts of a vehicle and should work properly for safety reasons. Replacing filters and draining fluids help prevent damage.Read more...

Electrical Works

Having your car diagnosed with the right tools and technology for drivability issues, ensures optimal smoothness and steadiness of your car's acceleration.Read more...

Auto Maintenance

Vehicles require maintenance to keep their parts highly active, and in good working condition for better fuel mileage and engine performance.Read more...

Dyno Tuning

Dyno Tuning is a high quality, fine tune up for your engine. The result? Better performance, increased fuel efficiency and less carbon emissions. Read more...

Complete Inspection

Complete inspection consists of a thorough and timely procedure of step by step diagnostics to ensure optimal performance of your vehicle.Read more...

General Car Service

A regular car service helps prevent dangerous potential failures in your braking and steering system. Thus, ensures that your car works optimally and safely.Read more...

Tyres & Alignments

One of the most important parts of your vehicle are the wheels. Without them no matter how sound your car might be, it wouldn’t move anywhere.Read more...

Timing Belts

If your timing belt is worn-out, it will become unsynchronized, which means that exhaust will be let out and air will be let in at inappropriate times when moving.Read more...

Engine tuning

Tuning can describe a wide variety of modifications, from the routine adjustment of the carburettor and ignition system to significant engine overhauls.Read more...